Scam: Asking someone to return calls to the telltale area codes: 284, 649, 809 or 876

If you find a letter, post card, email or voice mail that requires you to call a selected number to'
' be alert that can be a scam with a minimum of two solutions to defraud you.
The first approach is to get that you send some cash to purchase shipping of the prize or pay an 'administrative fee', or some other thing that sounds almost reasonable. The other fraud could possibly be just to get one to return the email.
Area codes 284, 649, 809 and 876 cover Jamaica, the Dominican Republic, Turks & Caicos Islands and also the British Virgin Islands. They look exactly like area codes in the United States but calls to the telltale codes you could end up hefty charges on your telephone bill. That's because these calls could be established to operate read more like area code 900 in the United States whereby the person receiving the calls earns money by just accepting calls.
If you must call, you may be positioned on hold for some time, motivated to speak with a number of different people, or simply be engaged inside a length chat. A call of just a couple minutes might set you back $20 or even more.
So, should you not are aware of the request is legitimate, avoid returning calls to area codes 284, 809, 649, 876 and 900.
You'll find additional information about it topic and ways to file claims if you're an victim here:

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